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Development track for STACK

Requests for features and ideas for developing STACK are all recorded in Future plans. The past development history is documented on Development history.

How to report bugs and make suggestions is described on the community page.

Version 4.4.2

TODO: track down bug in assignments/evaluation affecting the inputs.

TODO: List of long lasting issues dealt with, that might need to be notified/closed, note that some of these have connecting issues: #671, #420

  1. Error messages: use caserror.class more fully to use user information to target error messages.
  2. Remove all "cte" code from Maxima - mostly install.

For "inputs 2"?

  • Better CSS, including "tool tips". May need to refactor JavaScript. (See issue #380)
  • Add support for matrices with floating point entries, and testing numerical accuracy.
  • Expand support for input validation options to matrices (e.g. floatnum, rationalize etc.)
  • Update MCQ to accept units.
  • Add a base N check to the numeric input.
  • Refactor DB of 'insterStars' and remove stack_input_factory::convert_legacy_insert_stars. Really use new values throughout. See Future plans for syntax of answers and STACK


  • Better install code (see #332).
  • Move find_units_synonyms into the parser more fully?
  • 1st version of API.
  • Enable individual questions to load Maxima libraries. (See issue #305)
  • Markdown support?

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